Why Quality Real Estate Photos Matter!

Before the days of internet and social media, potential buyers practiced the good ol' fashioned "drive-by" to get the scoop on a newly listed home. Agents worked on these ancient machines known as "fax machines". For those of you who don't know what a fax machine is, GOOGLE IT! They would fax the address over to the listing agent and obtain the necessary information to inform their clients. These ancient practices are no longer necessary when we have easily accessible platforms like, Zillow and Realtor.com. Curb appeal isn't what draws the attention any more. So, if it doesn't work this way, then what gains attention? THE ANSWER IS QUALITY PHOTOS!!!!
You see, curb appeal used to matter because it drew attention to the property for sale and it made the potential buyer interested in seeing what else the property had to offer. These days, all 20,000 Real Estate Agents (not true factual #'s) utilize the services of "professional" photographers or Androids and iPhones. Yes, professional is in quotes. I say this because not all photographers are professionals. Anyone can take a photo on a fancy smancy camera and post the pics on the MLS. It takes a real pro to be able to spot the small details which matter to a buyer. It takes a real pro to be able to portray that through a lens for the whole world to grasp and admire.
Equipment matters! I am not a professional photographer by any means, but I can easily spot a photographer who knows that he is doing inside a home by simply monitoring how he/she moves around for angles, adjusts lighting and simply speaks about their trade. I can detect how they use their lighting and how they spot dark spots and shadows through their lens and know that they are the real deal! This means the world to a Real Estate Agent and their clients. The more detail in the photos, the better the perception of the property in general!
Everyone in today's market uses syndicate sites to view active listings on the internet. So pictures are the gateway into potentially selling a home! It's the potential buyers first impression and it draws them in for more! So why should a Real Estate Agent short change their clients with horrible photography? Well, I can tell you.............because it's cheaper to do it themselves. Clients deserve more. AGENTS --------- This is for you so LISTEN!!! - Your client is trusting you to sell their biggest investment!! Treat it like it's yours! You're doing yourself a disservice by NOT doing right by the client. Plus, it makes you look tacky and lazy!
I am fortunate to have one of the best Real Estate Photographers in the industry on my side and I thank him heavily everytime he shoots a home for me. I know my clients will always be happy and I know I can continue to inform potential clients of the services I have to offer by providing beautiful photographs and wonderful customer service.
I hope you enjoyed my little rant. Stay tuned for more - KSA DREW OUT!! #BetterLivingByDrew