How To Buy a Home Without Waiting for Lower Rates
Many people are hoping mortgage rates will come down before they buy a home. But will that actually happen? According to the latest...

Do You Know How Much Your Home Is Worth?
Over the past few years, you’ve probably seen a whole lot of headlines about how home prices keep going up. But have you ever stopped to...

Seller Concessions: A Smart Strategy To Get Your House Sold
For the past few years, it’s been mostly a seller’s market. But dynamics are shifting as the number of homes for sale grows. And that...

Buying a Home May Help Shield You from Inflation
It feels like everything is getting more expensive these days. That’s because inflation has remained higher than normal for longer than...

Home Price Growth Is Moderating – Here’s Why That’s Good for YOU!
Over the past few years, home prices skyrocketed. That’s been frustrating for buyers, leaving many wondering if they’d ever get a shot at...

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Are Making Right Now
If you want to sell your house, having the right strategies and expectations is key. But some sellers haven’t adjusted to where the...

There were many lessons learned in 2020. For example, there is no such thing as too much toilet paper. While there were a lot of moments...

Why Selling this Fall May Be The Best Move You Make All Year
If you’re thinking about moving, selling your house this fall might be the way to go. Here are four highlights in the housing market that...

Why It's so Important to Be Pre-Approved in the Homebuying Process?
You may have heard that pre-approval is a great first step in the homebuying process. But why is it so important? When looking for a...

Sellers Are Returning to the Housing Market!
In today’s housing market, it can be a big challenge for buyers to find homes to purchase, as the number of houses for sale is far below...